Saturday, February 2, 2019

There's a New Alligator in the Reading Pond!

Today, I’d like to share a review I’ve written for my friend and rhyming colleague, B.J. Lee. Her new picture book, THERE WAS AN OLD GATOR WHO SWALLOWED A MOTH released yesterday. 

Alligators are an intriguing subject and very popular with young children and families. Just visit the various alligator parks in Florida. 

From Mercer Mayer to Leo Lionni, alligators have been a fun topic for children's picture books. And now, BJ Lee has added another one.  

I met BJ years ago when we were both members of THE POETS’ GARAGE. The Garage is a supportive community of writers who write verse for children. They write and critique everything from haiku to full rhyming picture books.

There Was An Old Gator Who Swallowed a Moth can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indie bookstores.

And now, for my review...

There was an old story that is written anew. 
I loved reading it aloud, and so will you!

Lee’s choice of subject and her delightful rhyming word choices make this parody of a children’s favorite cumulative tale unique. Filled with wonderful alliteration and perfect rhythm, Lee’s writing helps the reader glide right through the verses as easily as the gator slips through the swamp. And Opie’s humorous graphic illustrations just add to the fun.

You can follow B.J. on her writing journey at